About the Creator

Daniel Medina was born in Mexico City, Mexico and came to the United States in 2011.  Coming from humble beginnings his upbringing was a laborious one, always helping with the family business.  At an early age he learned the value of work and that work, in his case, was recycling.  That's where his love for metallic objects and "junk" art began.

A mechanical engineer by trade, he is naturally drawn to metals, gears and machinery.  Living in the Northwest region of the U.S. he found himself far from home and out of his artistic element.  What now?? he thought.  Out of the big city to living in a small island town, he found himself surrounded by natures wonders.  Forests, lakes, mountains and beaches, an endless array of inspiration.

With nothing but time and the bottomless imagination of a child, the metamorphosis of natural materials into whimsical creatures began.  Breathing life into every one of his pieces, they definitely take on a personality of their very own.  Ranging from small to large, funny to completely bizarre, each sculpture is carefully and skillfully assembled from start to impressive finish.

Please enjoy your visit.  Thank you,

Daniel Medina Creations.

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
- Edgar Allan Poe